If you sit next to me I may have to kill you. Jus’ sayin’.

There are many things I hate about flying but top of my list is fellow passengers.  Surely in this day and age someone should have invented a quicker way to travel?  Airplanes are just so old skool… I want to be able to click my fingers and arrive at my destination, or blink my eyes twice whilst imagining a sunny beach.  Why can I not spin around three times in a telephone box and magically arrive?  Instead I have to endure hours of torture in airport lounges, frisks by security, over-priced meals, endless shopping and I always seem to be on the plane that’s delayed.

When I finally reach the plane I’m incapable of sitting still for more than four seconds, the fifth second of an eight hour flight sees the start of a gradual transformation from normal person to someone that may kill the next person that kicks the back of my seat, dares to adjust their food tray, reclines their seat, or all of the above.

Seat belt signs scare me more than the thought that P!nk and I will not live happily ever after because we so will.  The second it goes on I’m desperate to go to the bathroom or have an overwhelming need to find something that I don’t really want in the bottom of my hand luggage.  I am absolutely positive seat belt signs are used by flight attendants worldwide as a means of torture.

I’m always lucky enough to be seated next to screaming children and their frantic parents or the guy who needs medical treatment half way through the flight.  During one flight I had the pleasure of sitting next to a woman who vomited on and off for four hours…  Normally I’m patient, but place me in a confined space with people I don’t know, or want to know, and I suddenly turn into a monster.


I’ve only ever managed to fly without fear of a nervous breakdown on the odd occasion that the plane took off and the seat next to me remained empty. Mind you, this absolute pleasure is only realised after thirty minutes of torture. Thirty minutes spent looking at boarding passengers and crossing fingers that the scary looking guy who is walking towards you is not the one who is going to share your breathing space for the next eight hours. Relief comes as the screaming children pass by, the old fella who you know is going to tell you his life story sits in the seat behind and the lady that really should have booked two seats sits down a few rows in front…

Alone for eight hours to stretch out, put my feet up on the seat next to me and use the arm rest without fighting for it. Bliss.

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Bread, butter, charity shops and reality television

My family’s weird but wonderful.  It’s been a long time since I visited Bonnie Scotland and I reckon it’s time I got round to paying them a visit.  I already know exactly how the holiday will go…

When Mum’s not spending hours dragging me around charity shops and car boot sales she’ll be making butter, sausage, butter, black pudding, butter, bacon and butter rolls. It’ll be necessary to drink at least 300 cups of tea per day and watch a minimum of five back-to-back reality shows.

Wee Scottish Granny will drive passed the back door ten times a day after numerous errands. Of course she won’t come in, she’ll just sound the car horn and shout through the window that the ‘rains on its way’ or that she’s ‘off to get some messages’. We’ll know when she’s home for the day as a look out of the window to Granny’s house four doors down will show that she has ‘put her car to bed for the night’. God forbid anyone that needs her to take it back out of the garage.

I won’t be allowed out with Aunty, as she will lead me astray.  Aunt will argue that I’m the bad influence, I’ll argue it’s her and Gran will ban us from spending any time together, especially if it involves a trip to the local pub.


Every single meal will involve bread and butter – not margarine, proper butter – Not scrapings of butter but huge big chunks of greasy fat.  It’s illegal in Mum’s house to eat less than 6 slices of bread a day and every visit to the shop is followed by someone shouting ‘don’t forget we need bread’.

Neighbours pop in one by one and share the village gossip over more sugary tea, chocolate biscuits and butter. Every conversation will revolve around the other neighbours and what they have been up to. I will know who has been coming and going, who has been sleeping with whom, who is getting a new fence or bathroom fitted and who I am no longer allowed to talk to.

I just need to remember the golden rules:

  1. Never turn off the television
  2. Salad is banned
  3. Never put the wrong item in the recycling bin
  4. Don’t use sarcasm in front of Granny
  5. Never complain it’s cold
  6. Always buy bread
  7. Despite the fact the lounge is very comfortable everyone must sit in the kitchen
  8. If a space is found in the fridge it’s time to go shopping
  9. The kettle should never be cold
  10. There will never be a dull moment
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It’s the way she tells them

If you take Granny out to dinner you had better make sure it’s somewhere she likes as you can rest assured she will tell you, and everyone else, if she doesn’t.

After dining at a very nice restaurant everyone was swapping pleasantries and Granny seemed happy enough. She had munched her way through the main course and ordered cheese and biscuits for dessert. It seemed we had made it through the evening without any problems. Result.

When the executive chef came by to check that we had enjoyed our meal we all smiled and politely told him how lovely it had been and that we had all enjoyed ourselves… and then Granny spoke.

Gran: Hey sir, get o’er here

The chef who fortunately knew Gran gulped as he walked round the table

Gran: Ya kenn what son, the main course was lovely

The chef sighed, looking relieved

Gran: Hey sir, dunnae think you’re getting away wee it that easy…

Chef: What was wrong with the meal?

Gran: Your cheese is smelly and nobody likes it

The chef scanned the table as we all tried to hide under it

Gran: gets eye contact with everyone around the table as she instructs us to: Put your hand up if ya didnae like the cheese

All try to ignore the question


One by one hands are raised as every adult around the table resembles a scolded child

Gran: triumphantly See son, there’s six o’ us here and only wan liked it, that’s no good odds son. How can ya argue wee that?

Gran sent the chef scuttling back to the kitchen to check on his smelly cheese and then she asked for the entertainment manager to be sent to the table. As he arrived she politely expressed her concern that none of the guests at the other tables seemed to be enjoying themselves… What she actually said was, “Son, sort this shite oot, it’s dying on its ass in here”.


The most amazing thing about Granny is that it doesn’t matter what she says or whom she says it to everyone loves her regardless. In fact, mostly she is absolutely spot on with her commentary… She just can’t be bothered to sugar coat the way she tells it!

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Passing time

Wee Scottish Granny and her brother George were sprawled out in the lounge – a sofa and newspaper each. I tried to persuade them to come out for a breath of fresh air but fear immediately kicked in that someone might steal their sofa when they left so they decided to stay put.

I left the room listening to them shouting out headlines to each other, Uncle George started with the sports section, Granny was pointing out grammar mistakes.  Neither one was listening to what the other was saying.  By the time I came back Granny was calling out random names and Uncle George was replying, “No hen, I dunnae kenn that wan”… It took me a while to work it out but I realised Gran was reading out the names of people listed in the obituary!


Me: I can’t believe you are going through the obituary!

George: I dunnae kenn why ya laughing, I need to kenn who I dunnae need tae speak tae when I get hame

Gran: Do ya kenn Helen Mitchell?

Uncle George: Aye, I kenn a Helen Mitchell but I dunnae think she’ll be deed, she’s younger than me

Gran: Well it isnae her then coz this wans elder than you

Uncle George: That’s good hen coz I like Helen


The things these kids do to pass the time…

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Granny, I’ve got your back


I sincerely promise (with a cherry on top) that I will never tell anyone EVER again that you stole a pencil. I will never, EVER mention the fact that you snuck it into your bag at the pub quiz because, “it would be great for your Suduko puzzles.”  If anyone asks why the pencil is missing I will simply say it must have fallen on the floor and rolled away.

When the Police come looking for the pencil stealer I will say that you have always been honest and trustworthy and that you would NEVER, EVER steal anything. If they show me scribbles in the Suduko book as evidence I’ll deny that it’s your handwriting. If they put me under a spotlight I’ll stay focused and deny, deny, deny. However, if they attach me to a lie detector I can’t guarantee I won’t crumble.


If it gets really serious and they show me CCTV evidence I will tell them that you were drunk and out of your mind.  Maybe I’ll pull the ‘old lady and a little senile’ card as that seemed to work for you when you accidently returned through the ‘something to declare’ line at the airport. Maybe I’ll just tell them that Aunty made you do it, I think we have a good chance they would believe that.

Granny, I will stand by you and I’ll cover for your moment of madness. I will NEVER, EVER let anyone call you a thief again and I will NEVER, EVER tell anyone EVER AGAIN that you stole a pencil at the pub quiz on Tuesday 09, February, 2010 at 9.37pm.

I promise Granny, I’ve got your back.

Love you.

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Disco Diva Gran

Gran is a creature of habit; she wakes at the same time every day and then reads for half an hour.  Breakfast is at 9am whilst decisions are made about what to have for lunch.  Lunch is at midday and involves discussions on what to have for dinner.  Dinner comes at 5, after which preparations are made for supper at 9.  Bedtime comes around 10.30pm… depending on how ‘shite the TV is’.

My Aunt arranged a party so her friends could meet Granny…

Gran:  What time are folks comin’ hen?

Aunt:  Around 9

Gran: 9? At 9PM? Folks are no comin’ tae DINNER till 9pm?

Aunt: Everyone eats late; no one will come any earlier

Gran: Hen, at 9pm I’ll be in bed wi ma book

Imagine a twenty-minute conversation regarding the pure madness of eating so late

Aunt: Look Mum, if you want to go to bed no one will mind, you just sneak off to your room and I’ll look after everyone

Granny: Aye, I will hen, dunnae you worry aboot that


At 4am the next morning my Aunt came to tell me that I needed to go and ‘sort out’ Gran…  I found her in the garden teaching guests the Highland Fling whilst singing old Scottish folk songs.  When she stopped to tell someone to pour her ‘another wee dram’, I pulled her to one side…

Me: Are you okay Granny, do you know how late it is?

Gran: Look hen, if you want to go to bed nobody will mind, you just sneak off to your room and I’ll look after everyone

That’s my Gran!

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Hysterical women and stolen oranges

My Aunt and wee Scottish Granny persuaded me to go and watch a neighbour’s ten-year-old son’s football tournament. Of course I had absolutely no issue watching the match, I just didn’t want to go with two crazy ladies. Anything that involves Granny, my Aunt and a crowd inevitably means that I have to stay behind to apologise.

To delay the potential trauma I arrived later than everyone else under the pretense that I had some very very veryyyy important things to do first. On arrival I walked across the playing field and out of the corner of my eye I saw two red-faced, screaming women jumping up and down… One was a midget that I recognised to be Granny, the normal-sized one was my Aunt – both looked like they had been dipped in a bucket of sweat.

I swallowed hard, turned quickly and tried to escape. I knew I’d been caught when I heard my name being screamed from across the park – You know that feeling when you can hear a pin drop, suddenly a million eyes face your direction and you just want to die? I cried a little inside, made a mental note to get them back at some point and made my way over.

After a quick run-down on the previous matches I was told that our lad was in the final. By this time my Aunt was so hysterical she was losing her voice and the excited shrill coming from her mouth could only be understood by dolphins. Granny had found some much needed shade and was perched on a chair sucking oranges meant for the kids.

When the final started Aunty was jumping up and down screaming whilst looking at me shouting, “I am saying the right thing aren’t I?”… I was too busy trying to dig myself a hole in the ground. Granny was loudly chanting, “come on you reds” and I’m sure the poor kids were missing every pass because they were too busy looking at the frenzied, fanatical females.


Twice they had to be told to get off the pitch and more than once I glanced at the boy we were supporting to mouth the word ‘sorry’. As it turned out our guy didn’t win. Granny and Aunt nearly hyperventilated and I had to promise my neighbour’s son that we’d never go to watch him play football again.

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Free cocktails? Yes please!

It started well, really it did. Annie and I arrived to find Sue, Jane and Claire ordering their first drinks, Di and Sheila joined a short while later. The first drink was sipped slowly and at one point the waiter asked if they wanted their second round and they all replied in unison, “We’re okay for now, thanks.” That was the last time the waiter would hear those words.

At this point I should make you aware that the tapas menu at the local restaurant includes six free cocktails. Of course the girls could have ordered the non-alcoholic menu but according to Sheila cocktails are, “healthy as they include fruit and are part of your five a day”. So the healthy alcoholic menu was preferred over the ‘rubbish’ water and soft drink menu. From then on it went downhill.

Food soon became a secondary concern as more time was spent perusing the cocktail menu. Annie and Sheila read the menu back to front and front to back more than ten times but it didn’t stop the blank stares every time a cocktail was brought to the table as they tried to decide who had ordered it. The one that they chose from the menu was always the one including the most fruit (healthy option), the one they eventually snatched from the waiter was the one with the prettiest colour.

Jane, Di and I stopped drinking early, which meant the other girls were able to have our cocktail allowance. In hindsight maybe we should have carried on and got a taxi home, although I fear that if we had changed our minds Annie, Sheila, Claire or all of the above may have stabbed us.

When the sensible side of the table stopped believing Annie and Sheila were only taking cocktails for the fruit selection they tried to convince us all that they were healthy in more ways than one. Their very dodgy argument included the fact that some of them were filled with ice and they took a lot of stirring which in turn helped their muscle growth. They soon realised that the extra ice may be watering down their drinks so those healthy options were not ordered again.

Jane: Ooooo what’s that?

Claire: It’s water

Jane: Well we won’t be getting that again

Sheila: Do they keep track of how many cocktails we have had?

Sue: Yes

Sheila: Oh good, I’ll just keep drinking then – I’ve never been very good at keeping count, that’s how I ended up with two kids


Realising they hadn’t eaten for a while the girls ordered dessert… Soon after the table was filled with lovely desserts and a fish!

Sheila: I didn’t realise you were having dessert

Di: You were here when we ordered

Sheila: Yes I know, but by then I was confident with my fish order and I felt I should just go ahead with it

The girls munched away on their chocolate delights and Sheila ate her plate of battered fish!

Sue had decided to stop at five cocktails but changed her mind as she found another one she liked. Her decision was met with utter disgust by Annie and Sheila who were arguing over who would finish Sue’s allowance. Annie shouted to Sue, “Hey you, you’re only in it for the alcohol, we’re in it for the fruit.”

Another crazy day in the land of sand.

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Ten reasons why women should not watch football

I recently watched a football match with a group of women. Now I understand what men have been complaining about all this time:

1. The announcement of the line up was met with boos and disappointment as ‘the most gorgeous player’ was not included

2. At kick off an argument started because it couldn’t be agreed whether the team they were supporting were ‘the whites or the reds’

3. Each tackle was met with a wince and scream of ‘oooo, he’s such a bully’

4. Twenty minutes in and concentration was redirected to the sale announced at the local shopping mall

5. Shouts of ‘penalty’, ‘corner’ and ‘offside’ were all followed by an enquiring look and a whisper of ‘did I say that at the right time?’


6. The countdown to half time started amidst sulks and groans after being told more than once to stop talking about shoes and concentrate

7.  At half time when it’s okay to talk everyone was silent

8. The second half invited discussion on the fact that football would be a lot more interesting if the men played naked

9. Ten minutes before the final whistle the ‘are we reds or whites?’ discussion started again

10. The final whistle was met with major excitement, as ‘they will take their t-shirts off in a minute’

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Scotland beware, Edina’s back!

For six years I’ve been the chief caregiver to a champagne-swigging, prosperous but preposterous, fashion and fad-obsessed Aunty who is incapable of performing any domestic tasks. Of course I’ve been the ever-virtuous, high-minded, intellectual, virginal niece who assumes the moral high ground and provides the voice of reason.

I have been the sole carer to the real life Edina Monsoon. A woman who subcribes to every trend that arises, a self proclaimed Buddhist and a feng shui enthusiast who aspires to move in the highest circles of creativity, fashion and celebrity. A woman who cannot allow a drink to pass her lips unless it costs more than a months rent and most importantly a woman who is only happy when all eyes are on her.

Dear Aunty,

It wasn’t until I was old enough to drink that I met your alter ego, ‘Edina’. I might have spent the first eighteen years of my life getting on your nerves but the day you realised I was no longer a little brat I became your partner in crime, champagne pourer and ashtray cleaner all rolled into one.

In the years that followed I have learned so much from you:  I never leave a party until they throw me out and it’s never over if there’s still some vodka lurking. Sunrises mean it might be time for bed and you can never have enough ‘fatboy breakfasts’. Most importantly a ‘hair of the dog’ is always preferable to a hang over and cider cures everything.


We survived the night you went missing…

I spoke to Jane at 7pm; they were waiting for you to turn up at a gourmet dinner. At 9pm you still hadn’t arrived so after many unanswered calls I drove to your house. I panicked when I noticed the car in your drive, as you NEVER walk anywhere.  I went into the house (I learned to have my own key after previous similar emergencies) and your dog was crazily jumping around – Of course to me this was an indication that his much-loved Mummy was dead upstairs. I walked slowly upstairs, partly because my legs were made of jelly, and entered rooms one by one. I checked the bathrooms and eventually convinced myself that I would not find your dead body.

A wooden puppet in the kitchen fell and both feet snapped – Of course, this was proof that someone was trying to tell me that you were laying somewhere in a ditch with two broken legs. I called the local taxi firm, searched the garden, checked the car and at one point I even touched the TV screen to see if it was hot (in my next life I will be a detective). I tried to call your mobile again and it was ringing in the house … Realising you are a woman who never walks, never misses the opportunity of meeting friends and never leaves anywhere without your mobile glued to your ear, I was ready to hyperventilate.

After an hour I got a call to say that you had been spotted at a local hotel. Of course my ‘Saffy’ instincts were on overdrive by now, I wanted to call you, scream and shout and tell you to come home immediately because you were grounded for a month.

I eventually spoke to you and discovered that you were at the tail end of a boozy lunch. I hung up when you started singing down the phone to me. Another disaster diverted!

We survived your bad behaviour…

You are Edina and I am Saffron – I’m sure ‘Absolutely Fabulous’ is the script of our life. The mother of Bollinger Bubbles and the owner of a car called Gertie… Like Edina Monsoon you can never get out of a car without falling and champagne tends to go in your handbag well before lipstick.

Remember when you were living the high-life in London and about once a month you’d decide to come and take over our town? Now most people would arrive home for the weekend with a suitcase full of dirty clothes for their mother, presents for their lovely niece and nephew and a nice little something for their sister… You were different. You’d arrive with a suitcase full of champagne and four of your friends and then spend the weekend crashed out at Gran’s – Until I was twelve I always thought you were sick – I now know you were constantly hung over!

My brother and I were naive to your ways and our 8 and 9-year-old selves would cycle round to the house, excited in anticipation at being able to do something for our super cool Aunt. You would present us with a shopping list that I now understand to have all the ingredients of a ‘fatboy breakfast’ and we would rush off to the shop to get it with the new, shiny 50p piece we were allowed for our trouble.

You took my Dad to the pub whilst Mum begged you not to. A few hours later you’d return and Dad would spend the next three hours hugging the toilet bowl whilst Mum spent her time telling him he was pathetic and that you are the devil. Of course you would take no notice and go back to Gran’s for your afternoon kip.

You would get a rude awakening later in the day with Mum hammering on your bedroom door, whilst you woke from your champagne induced coma.   Mum would be screaming because people had started knocking at the door as you had spent the afternoon in the pub inviting strangers to our house for a BBQ!

Those were the best BBQ’s ever. Mum would be crying in the kitchen, Dad would be in bed sleeping it off and you would be chatting to people in the garden over a BBQ that you’d persuaded them to cook because the important job of entertaining could not cross-over with being a chef too!

We survived a cyclone…

We had been told to expect rain but as the temperature was fast approaching 50 we were stupidly looking forward to it… then it rained and rained and rained. Within hours the electricity went, phone lines died, trees were uprooted, windows rattled and everywhere was flooding. Everyone was panicking – except you.

Two hours into the storm you decided to open a bottle of champagne because, “if you died you would be devastated if it had been left behind”. By the time you finished the first bottle rainwater was dripping through the ceilings on both floors. When you opened the second bottle I used the first bottle to catch the drips as all pots and pans were already strategically placed… this was your way of helping.

Six hours in and I had a routine. I was storm trooper number one and storm trooper number two was Bolly. I opened the roof terrace with Bolly running along behind and managed to catch him before the wind swept him away. Once he was on his lead we started sweeping excess water from the roof, then the upstairs balconies and lastly the ones downstairs in an attempt to stop the flooding inside – we did this non-stop for the next six hours.

At one point Bolly and I passed you sprawled out on the sofa, you handed me another empty bottle and said, “be a doll and get me another”, I said, “you know that the house is flooding?” and you replied “Yep, if it gets any worse I’m checking into a hotel…”

Eighteen hours of roof and balcony sweeping in 50 degrees were coming to an end and you were snuggled up on the sofa complaining that you needed the air conditioning to work. Bolly and I looked like drowned rats and every towel, bed sheet and pan was dotted around the house when you turned to me and said, “Do you think it’s stopping now coz I’m running out of champagne?”

I persuaded you to come to the roof terrace to see the state of everything and as the roof door opened you saw that roads and pavements had lifted, the sea was crashing over everything and the streets were covered in people’s garden furniture… and then you said, “Oh, the weather’s stunning. If I’d have known the temperature was this nice I would have come out here hours ago.”

We survived many screams for help…

One night I received a call and you sounded close to having a heart attack:

You: Hurry, there’s a monster in my bathroom

Me: A monster?

You: YESSSS, I’ve piff-paffed it and shut the door – Get here QUICK

I arrived to find you with your feet up watching TV and you sent me straight upstairs to face the ‘beast’. Half an hour later I had located a small, scared Gecko that was swimming in the remnants of every spray can you could get your hands on. Once I had apologised to the poor little thing for the fact that you had drowned it in piff-paff, I came back downstairs to tell you the monster situation was over.

You: That took ages; I was really worried the monster had got you

Me: Then why didn’t you check to see if I was okay?

You: Because Steve called and I was catching up on the gossip

We also survived…

• The day you begged me to fix the dishwasher, as you, “just couldn’t face having to wash another dish”.  Thirty seconds later I had re-clipped the part that had fallen off and put away the four “bloody useless” manuals you had thrown across the room

• The day you called me to insist I had given Bolly OCD… You explained that you had looked up his behaviour on the Internet and it was called canine compulsive disorder – CCD

• The day I chased you around a hotel at 3am trying to persuade you to return the buggy you had stolen and was driving at full speed across the freshly cut lawns

• The day I persuaded the Police that all was okay after they launched a full scale search to find my ‘missing’ Aunt who was eventually located in a bar drinking champagne with “some really cool people”

• The days I had to explain to the family that you were not really that drunk after your insistence whilst drinking to phone everyone and tell them that you love them. Like the evening you insisted on phoning Mum in Scotland (from Dubai) to let her hear Rod Stewart singing ‘Maggie May’… the entire way through

• The day I had to call your friends to say that your pre-dinner drinks had to be cancelled because you had started partying 24 hours earlier and had finished every bottle

• The days I had to make excuses on your behalf to the employers of your friends who have banned their staff from associating with you after 8pm in the evening

You are absolutely fabulous and I hope that your move to Scotland brings you everything that you’ve ever wished for.  If nothing else I know the owners of the local ‘offy’s’ are rubbing their hands together with glee! You may be getting VERY old but you still have an amazing knack of making me (and everyone else) feel a million times older!

Over and above everything else I am proud to be your niece. The best decision I ever made was to stalk you so much that eventually you caved and let me move to the other side of the world with you. For as long as I can remember I have worshipped the ground you walk on, everyone thinks you are amazing and I’m lucky enough to have your genes!

May the only pain in your life be champagne.

I love you catrillions.  I’ll miss you,

Saffy xxx

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